Archive for September 24, 2010

Again, sad news: Martin Büsser, one of the most interesting german “pop” journalists, publisher and author, died yesterday at the age of 42. 
Thanks a lot for everything what you did for music and the critical music journalism in this country! Thanks a lot for all the readings and discussions!
Martin was one of the last representatives of the so called german “pop left” (“Poplinke”) and reflected popular culture in the tradition of the critical theory and authors like Diedrich Diederichsen, Jutta Koether and Dietmar Dath.
Martin was involved in a lot of important music projects, for example the statement against german nationalism called “I Can´t Relax In Deutschland”. He co-founded the “Ventil Verlag” publishing house as well as the book series “Testcard – Beiträge zur Popgeschichte” (“Testcard – contributions to pop history”). He has written many interesting books on pop history and pop theory  like “Antipop. Essays und Reportagen zur Popmusik der Neunziger”, “Anti-folk – From Beck to Adam Green”, “If the kids are united – von Punk zu Hardcore und zurück”,  “Wie klingt die Neue Mitte? Rechte und reaktionäre Tendenzen in der Popmusik” and “On The Wild Side. Die wahre Geschichte der Popmusik”.
Martin was the singer of the post punk band “Familie Pechsaftha”, which released three albums.
Via this link you can listen to his german lecture about  Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Punk- und Hardcore-Szene from May, 7th, 2008.
Here you find an interview with Martin in german language:
Again, sad news: Martin Büsser, one of the most interesting german “pop” journalists, publisher and author, died yesterday at the age of 42. 
Thanks a lot for everything what you did for music and the critical music journalism in this country! Thanks a lot for all the readings and discussions!
Martin was one of the last representatives of the so called german “pop left” (“Poplinke”) and reflected popular culture in the tradition of the critical theory and authors like Diedrich Diederichsen, Jutta Koether and Dietmar Dath.
Martin was involved in a lot of important music projects, for example the statement against german nationalism called “I Can´t Relax In Deutschland”. He co-founded the “Ventil Verlag” publishing house as well as the book series “Testcard – Beiträge zur Popgeschichte” (“Testcard – contributions to pop history”). He has written many interesting books on pop history and pop theory  like “Antipop. Essays und Reportagen zur Popmusik der Neunziger”, “Anti-folk – From Beck to Adam Green”, “If the kids are united – von Punk zu Hardcore und zurück”,  “Wie klingt die Neue Mitte? Rechte und reaktionäre Tendenzen in der Popmusik” and “On The Wild Side. Die wahre Geschichte der Popmusik”.
Martin was the singer of the post punk band “Familie Pechsaftha”, which released three albums.
Via this link you can listen to his german lecture about  Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Punk- und Hardcore-Szene from May, 7th, 2008.
Here you find an interview with Martin in german language: